EnigmA Amiga Run 1997 April
EnigmA AMIGA RUN 17 (1997)(G.R. Edizioni)(IT)[!][issue 1997-04][EAR-CD].iso
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Text File
67 lines
Short: Gamepack Had?games
Author: Antonin Had?group software
Uploader: xhadrous@fi.muni.cz
Type: game/t.x
Requires: dont know/but any
Replaces: Hadgame2.lha
Action: NoA4000
have fun. This is pack from Antonin Had?group software.
No fears, this is shareware.
Only for the Czech republik. All text is czech.
Super game - Real life simulation
Small game - Protiutok uklizecky
small program - TestC (testing you system - gag)
The diskette whit this software - rlife: or assign this name.
Pro cesky mluvici lidi.
Neumim ani trochu (teda trosicku) anglicky, takze nevim, jestli ten horni
text je spravne nebo ne. No to je jedno
Vsechny texty v techto hrach jsou ceske.
Najdete zde hru
Real life simulation (s musikou, animacemi i obrazky)
Uklizecky protiutok (vyuziva speaker)
a jeden program - TestC, ktery trochu netradicnim zpusobem ohodnoti vas
Disketa, na kterou to prekopirujete se musi jmenovat rlife: nebo tento
nazev assignujte nekam na vas hadrrr.
Opet se bavte.
============================= Archive contents =============================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
3144 3049 3.0% 07-Mar-96 14:16:42 +FF
4500 2174 51.6% 07-Mar-96 14:16:42 +SetMap
1496 1105 26.1% 07-Mar-96 14:16:42 +Type
1052 642 38.9% 07-Mar-96 14:16:40 +CSKBD
1124 655 41.7% 07-Mar-96 14:16:40 +Spustit
23280 14490 37.7% 07-Mar-96 14:16:38 +narrator.device
2128 1418 33.3% 07-Mar-96 14:16:38 +ramdrive.device
264 24 90.9% 07-Mar-96 14:16:34 +cs.font
2616 1507 42.3% 07-Mar-96 14:16:36 +8
20868 4182 79.9% 07-Mar-96 14:16:28 +bobs.abk
21682 4557 78.9% 07-Mar-96 14:16:30 +rlgut.anm
41522 14300 65.5% 07-Mar-96 14:16:34 +rluvod.anm
136866 89685 34.4% 07-Mar-96 14:16:00 +celek.mod
34524 21666 37.2% 07-Mar-96 14:16:04 +jenda.mod
198710 151065 23.9% 07-Mar-96 14:16:16 +mejdan.mod
136052 108326 20.3% 07-Mar-96 14:16:26 +tonal.mod
46948 28913 38.4% 07-Mar-96 14:15:48 +amos.library
15340 9009 41.2% 07-Mar-96 14:15:50 +diskfont.library
4688 2568 45.2% 07-Mar-96 14:15:50 +mathieeedoubbas.library
15728 6070 61.4% 07-Mar-96 14:15:52 +mathieeedoubtrans.library
175 115 34.2% 07-Mar-96 14:15:42 +co
25 25 0.0% 07-Mar-96 14:15:44 +startup-sequence
57228 26783 53.1% 07-Mar-96 14:15:34 protiutok.exe
70884 36000 49.2% 07-Mar-96 14:15:40 rl.exe
22028 12084 45.1% 07-Mar-96 14:15:42 testc
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
862872 540412 37.3% 08-Nov-96 02:14:58 25 files